Our goal at ECPtherapy.com is to expand access and growth of ECP Therapy worldwide. One of our primary services is to connect patients that are in need of ECP Therapy to accredited ECP & EECP Therapy Treatment Facilities.
In an effort to meet the demand to provide this service, we ask for a nominal referral fee of $49.00. This is not an automated process, but rather one that requires time on behalf of our staff to connect with the treatment centers in every community across the U.S.
Please complete the contact form and you will be routed to our payment system to be connected to an accredited ECP Treatment Center. If we are unable to find a treatment location near you, we will refund 100% of your service fee. The payment is safe & secure with any major credit card or PayPal account. If you are unable to pay, please email us at info@ecptherapy.com.
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