EECP Therapy Clinical Abstracts Series The multicenter study of enhanced external counterpulsation (MUST-EECP): effect of EECP on exercise-induced myocardial ischemia and anginal episodes FREE Rohit R Arora, MD; Tony M Chou, MD; Diwakar Jain, MD; Bruce Fleishman, MD; Lawrence Crawford, MD; Thomas McKiernan, MD; Richard W Nesto, MD [+] Author Information J Am Coll Cardiol. […]
Read moreList of EECP – ECP Device Reviews

ECP EECP Device Product Comparisons are essential prior to purchasing any ECP or EECP Therapy device (selecting the right ECP or EECP Machine). Applied Cardiac Systems: 1. ACS Model NCP-1 2. ACS Model NCP-2 3. ACS Model NCP Plus Cardiomedics: 1. Cardiomedics 3000 2. Cardiomedics 4000 3. Cardiomedics 4500GS Vasomedical (EECP Machines): 1. Vasomedical EECP […]
Read moreTreatments for Coronary Artery Disease and Angina

Treatments for Angina What are the treatment options? Thank goodness to great technology, there are now several effective treatments for your heart disease depending on your medical condition. Medical Management from Medications Medical management includes meds to assist with symptoms but also meds to control other contributing risk factors of CAD such as blood pressure, […]
Read moreEECP Therapy Made in the USA

There has been a few ECP – EECP companies outside the U.S selling equipment for next to nothing. Many Chinese ECP – EECP manufacturers have made a hand full of system sales in various markets but the response has been “other than satisfactory”. In the U.S, these units do not stand a chance without FDA […]
Read moreWhat is EECP Therapy?

What is EECP? Ar you wondering what is EECP Therapy? Well wonder not more! EECP Therapy is a non-surgical solution for symptomatic Coronary Artery Disease. In an effort to discuss the benefits of EECP Therapy, we must evaluation CAD and why EECP Therapy is a suitable treatment options for this disease. Goals for Management of […]
Read moreReal Difference EECP Therapy and ECP Therapy

EECP Therapy and ECP Therapy can be confusing. Is there a difference? The answer is NO. There is NO difference between EECP Therapy and ECP therapy other than the name. Both acronyms are synonymous for the concept of “External Counterpulsation Therapy”. The term to distinguish “enhanced” external counterpulsation may have been different at one time, […]
Read moreReal Difference EECP Therapy and ECP Therapy

EECP Therapy and ECP Therapy can be confusing. Is there a difference? The answer is NO. There is NO difference between EECP Therapy and ECP therapy other than the name. Both acronyms are synonymous for the concept of “External Counterpulsation Therapy”. The term to distinguish “enhanced” external counterpulsation may have been different at one time, […]
Read moreEECP Therapy Clinical Guide

There is a EECP Treatment center in New York that put together an in-depth Clinical evaluation of EECP Therapy. This free download is a thorough analysis of how EECP Therapy works including examples of various clinical trials performed using EECP. The material referenced in this piece demonstrates clear evidence of what a safe and effective […]
Read moreEECP Therapy – American or Chinese?

EECP Therapy in America? Or EECP Therapy in China? There seems to be some confusion about EECP and its origin. EECP is a registered trade mark for “Enhanced” External Counterpulsation Therapy. The term “Enhanced” is commonly confused to mean a few different things. 1. “Enhanced” External Counterpulsation Therapy” or EECP Therapy is the same as […]
Read moreEECP Therapy

EECP Therapy Clinical Abstracts Series Enhanced External Counterpulsation and Future Directions: Step Beyond Medical Management for Patients with Angina and Heart Failure Manchanda, Aarush and Soran, Ozlem. Journal of American College of Cardiology 2007;50:1523-31. Department of Internal Medicine, The George Washington University, Washington D.C.; and the Cardiovascular Institute, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. […]
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