When you Buy a used ECP EECP Machine from an unauthorized re-seller (other than the manufacturer), it generally comes with some risk. Most ECP & EECP companies do NOT like to provide service, support or sell accessories unless you buy directly from the manufacture. However, this has recently changed. We can confirm that when you […]
Read moreSell ECP or EECP Machine
Sell ECP or EECP Machine Are you looking to Sell your ECP or EECP machine? If so, we can help. ECPTherapy.com has the largest and most comprehensive network of buyers and sellers worldwide. We have thousands of visitors to our site each month from all around the world looking to connect with buyers and sellers. […]
Read moreDifference between ECP and EECP
What is the Difference between ECP and EECP Therapy? EECP and ECP Therapy are NOT two different treatments. This is false. EECP and ECP Therapy are the same mechanical function inflating pneumatic cuffs in a mechanical sequence starting at the calves, thighs then the buttocks gated on the patients heart rate. EECP and ECP Therapy […]
Read moreEndothelial Function

External Counterpulsation Therapy is proven to be a useful rehabilitation method to improve patient outcomes with patients with advanced Coronary Artery Disease. ECP & EECP Therapy is a non surgical way that restores oxygenated blood flow to ischemic regions of the heart & body which reduces symptoms of Chest Pain, Shortness of Breath & Fatigue. […]
Read moreImpedance Cardiography (ICG)

Impedance Cardiography (ICG) ICG is a diagnostic tool that measures 12 different parameter relating to Flow, Resistance, Contracility (strength) & Fluid content. ICG is not new technology as it has been used in practice for many years now in the U.S. ICG works by combining non invasive blood pressure, ECG as well as fluid content […]
Read moreImpedance Cardiography (ICG)

External Counterpulsation Therapy has proven to remarkable benefits to overall health in patients that complete a full 35 course session. ECP and EECP Therapy acts as an external cardiac assist process that mechanically inflates a series of cuffs timed on the patient’s heart rate to restore oxygenated blood flow to the heart and body. Some […]
Read more6 Minute Walk Test (6MWT)

External Counterpulsation Therapy is known to be an effective treatment to rehabilitate cardiovascular health in patients with advanced Coronary Artery Disease & Heart Failure. ECP and EECP Therapy is documented in several hundred Clinical Studies to improve exercise tolerance, reduce symptoms of Angina and restore oxygenated blood flow to the body. The benefits of ECP […]
Read moreECP or EECP Therapy Side Effects

ECP and EECP have minimal side effects. The process of inflating pressure on each heart cycle for the 60 minute treatment session each day can potentially cause some minor side effects if treatment variable are not managed carefully, ECP and EECP Therapy side effects have been demonstrated in clinical research to be low when the appropriate […]
Read moreBuy Accessories for Used ECP EECP Machines

Where can you buy accessories for used ECP EECP machines? Most External Counterpulsation Therapy unit accessories are NOT interchangeable. There is a difference in the accessories used for model EECP units and other ECP Therapy Devices ExternalCounterpulsation.com has the largest consolidated network of buyers and sellers. If you are looking for accessories, parts, service or […]
Read moreECP & EECP System Reviews

ECP and EECP System Reviews External Counterpulsation Therapy or also referred to as EECP Therapy or ECP Therapy is proven to be an good investment both clinically and financially. Selecting the right ECP or EECP Machine can be a confusing process. In an effort to simplify the process, we created reviews of each FDA approved […]
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