ExternalCounterpulation.com Patient Referral Program
Our patient referral service was created to increase access and growth of External Counterpulsation Therapy worldwide. In an effort to best qualify our patient referrals, our staff contacts each patient individually to assess their medical needs & interest level in ECP Therapy. We inquire about relevant aspects related to ECP including diagnosed heart disease, symptoms, previous cardiac procedure, payment option and geographic location.
We strive to provide the highest quality service to deliver new qualified cardiac patients to your facility. In order to connect with this new prospective patient, we ask for a nominal referral fee of $195.00 for a well-qualified patient. The link will below will take you through a secure payment process and connect you with the patient. You do not need to be a PayPal member to process. If you have any questions, you can email us directly at info@ExternalCounterpulsation.com.