There are a number of key components that are critical to sustaining and active and successful External Counterpulsation Therapy program. Carefully analyze the following components to see how each applies to your practice.
Re-affirm the Benefits of ECP TherapyRe-assess & confirm your enthusiasm about the outstanding benefits of ECP therapy. Refer to our “Clinical Discussion” section to re-vamp your convictions about the overall benefits that External Counterpulsation Therapy brings to the overall well being of each patient you treat. When you are excited, your patients will be excited too. |
Examine your Patient Population… Again and Again!Every Cardiologist in business today has at least 25 patients each year that can benefit from External Counterpulsation Therapy. According to the current guidelines, a busy physician can treat more than 100 patients each year. Think again about your patient population that has adjusted their lifestyle to avoid symptoms of chest pain, SOB, Fatigue, Palpitations upon exertion. Refer to our section “Do I have Enough Patients” |
Assess the LogisticsPatient transportation can be a limiting factor to a consistent External Counterpulsation Therapy program. If your patient population struggles with compliance due to transportation, consider contracting with a transportation company or assess insurance options to cover patient transportation. |
Select a Great TherapistThis is the MOST important component of your program. If you have a mediocre therapist, find a new one! A great therapist will ensure (guarantee) a successful program. A great ECP tech will net you superb results in patient selection, but also ensuring each patient has a pleasant experience. An enthusiastic therapist = positive clinical outcomes. |
Select the Right Partner (Company) for ECP TherapyBelieve it or not, the company that you choose to do business has a significant impact on the success of your program. If you current vendor is no good, contact another company and discuss any trade-in / partnership opportunities so you can find the support you deserve. |
Effective Marketing!!Marketing your ECP Program directly to the patient can be an effective tool to your program success. You can register with us ( to be connected with patients looking for treatment in your community. The other recommended option for effective marketing directly to patients can be found at |