ECP and EECP System Reviews External Counterpulsation Therapy or also referred to as EECP Therapy or ECP Therapy is proven to be an good investment both clinically and financially. Selecting the right ECP or EECP Machine can be a confusing process. In an effort to simplify the process, we created reviews of each FDA approved […]
Read moreHow does EECP Improve Endothelial Function?

How Does EECP Improve Endothelial Function? External Counterpulsation Therapy is a safe, non invasive treatment that is documented to improve related to Coronary Artery Disease and exercise tolerance. The purpose of this article is to discuss what the exact mechanism that occurs that improves endothelial function in patients that complete a full course of 35 […]
Read moreEECP Improves Endothelial Function in Patients with… Abstract

J Am Coll Cardiol. 2003 May 21;41(10):1761-8. Enhanced external counterpulsation improves endothelial function in patients with symptomatic coronary artery disease. Bonetti PO, Barsness GW, Keelan PC, Schnell TI, Pumper GM, Kuvin JT, Schnall RP, Holmes DR, Higano ST, Lerman A. Source Center for Coronary Physiology and Imaging and the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory, Division of Cardiovascular […]
Read moreECP & EECP Reimbursement Protocol

External Counterpulsation Therapy (ECP & EECP) Reimbursement Protocol. In the U.S, ECP is reimbursed by Medicare and most private insurance companies. The reimbursement process is quite simple but it must be followed precisely. This article is designed to show the important documents that should be included in each patient chart to insure smooth reimbursement. 1. […]
Read moreMechanical Process ECP and EECP Systems

ECP and EECP Therapy Systems (mechanical process) All ECP and EECP Systems that inflates and deflates three sets of pneumatic cuffs. The microprocessor’s primary function is to serve as an R-wave detector, calculate the R-wave rate (heart rate), and deliver triggering signals to engage the valves. This allows the air cuffs to be filled and […]
Read moreHow does EECP Work?

How Does EECP Work? External Counterpulsation Therapy (also known as ECP or EECP) is a non-invasive treatment for improving circulation in the heart for patients who suffer from narrowed and blocked arteries in the heart. This is a medical condition known as Coronary Artery Disease (CAD). When the blockages limited the flow of adequate blood […]
Read moreThe Answer to an Epidemic

There was an interesting article that was recently published in Today’s Medical Developments by Larry Leibman of Vasomedical. The article was an interesting perspective discussing the barriers of treatment and management of the worldwide epidemic of Ischemic Heart Disease. Heart disease remains the number one killer and the U.S & worldwide. The objective in the […]
Read moreReputation Management External Counterpulsation Therapy

Reputation Management ECP & EECP Therapy External Counterpulsation Therapy (also known as ECP or EECP) is a clinically effective treatment for patients that suffer from symptoms related to Ischemic Coronary Artery Disease. EECP treatment has been proven in hundreds of clinical studies to be a safe, effective treatment at a much lower price point than […]
Read moreEECP Unit

Purchasing an EECP Unit can be a long process. When you have the confusion and (often) pressure from the various sales people, it can often complicate and drag out the process longer than necessary. When choosing an EECP unit, you should only carefully analyze certain components that will make a difference. For more information about […]
Read moreECP or EECP in 2013

External Counterpulsation Therapy (ECP or EECP) for 2013? External Counterpulsation Therapy (also known as ECP or EECP) is known to be an exceptional investment both clinically and financially. With the rapidly changing landscape in the Healthcare in the U.S, would ECP be considered a good investment for 2013? By now, most cardiology facilities have heard […]
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